Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hello lovies!

Ok listen. I never in my life thought I'd start a blog, but after Tim started leaving my apartment early in order to blog (he doesn't know I know this) I thought I would jump on the blogging bandwagon. First of all, it is strange to even have this word "blog" in my vocabulary, but I know that it will soon be a welcome addition to my word bank. Yes, word bank.

I am an external processor which leaves much room for surprise when expressing my thoughts verbally or on paper. I look forward to seeing how God uses this avenue to reveal more of himself to me and to others as they take a look into my life and heart. I will strive for honesty and authenticity, boldness and vulnerability. May we all enjoy this journey together as we open our hearts and bare our souls for the sake of being known.


Tim said...

Hello Pookie,
I'm so glad you are starting this blog. I take all the credit. I really enjoy hearing your thoughts. You are an amazing and beautiful lady. Thanks for everything!!

kate said...

i was going to say 'pookie!!' but that was already taken. i'd hate to sound redundant.
i'm so glad more people i know are verbalizing in ways i can share in! that's what i love about blogging -- there's just not enough time to personally share yourself with everyone that cares, but a blog gets a little bit of that goodness out there for the masses to enjoy.
i'm looking forward to enjoying you more :-)